Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Three Words

On New Year's day Chris Brogan discussed on his blog how he does not do New Year's Resolutions anymore but instead has three words for the year. I highly recommend his blog. It is eclectic but well written and he has made me think about what my next steps are. I came across him on Twitter about a month ago and subscribed immediately. Anyway, I know I'm over two weeks behind on this but I've truly been mulling over my three words and they came to me today while getting ready for work

Reorganize, Define, Explore:
After years of overloading myself with school, work, and parenting I've found that I need to pull back and examine my accomplishments, my history, and my future. In the last two years I've finally finished my Bachelor Degree, have gotten married, and had a baby all while working 30+ hours a week and raising my son. I've been doing so much that I've taken very little time to celebrate what I've done, where I've been, or those I love. I have boxes of paperwork in storage, empty baby books, books unread, and words unsaid.

Part of my task this year involves finding the parts of myself which I've lost or stuffed away in a box (sometimes literally). My daughter is very young and I'm not in a place where going back to school (again) or getting a full time job is logical right now. Even though my life has calmed down tremendously these last few months since I graduated I've done very little to delineate what is most important. My motto recently has been to take it day by day. The problem with that is that I am a goal setter and when the goal is to make it through the day I feel lost.

My first thought is how these words apply to my career. The truth, as all who know me well knows, is that I've always wanted to be a writer. That is where my soul lies but somehow life has always gotten in the way. I think part of my problem is that the term "writer" is in itself an ethereal thing to me. I need to define my writer's niche and explore where I'd like to see myself. Writing in one of those things I've always dabbled in but never took seriously.

These words also apply to my personal life as it is time to reorganize my priorities, define myself as a mother and wife, and explore the world through my children's eyes. My son is on the threshold of elementary school and is setting the foundation for his academic future. My daughter is just born and has yet to take her first step, say her first word, or taste the wonders this world has to offer.

I welcome you to think of the three words that you want to represent your goal for 2009 or just for what you wish to accomplish today. Now back to my piles.

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