Friday, February 13, 2009

25 Things

On Facebook right now there is this fad of listing 25 things about yourself. I decided to post mine to my blog also.

1. I am not domesticly minded. I do not enjoy cleaning but I can't stand dirt and being disorganized even more so I do enough cleaning to keep myself sane.

2. I am a very organized person in part due to #1. I once told my supervisor that I am organized because it allows me to be creative. When my space is in a state of choas, as it currently is, I feel out of control which makes it impossible for me to create because I get frustrated easily since I can't find what I'm looking for.

3. I am a feminist, have been all my life, and always will be. When I was in 6th grade I told a boy in my class that he was a schovenistic pig because he said that women shouldn't have the right to vote. My teacher fell off the desk laughing (literally fell backwards and flipped over the desk).

4. I was a Women's Studies minor in college and plan to structure future education around the topic.

5. I work for a feminist organization and have for several years.

6. I love the idea of my job. This does not mean that I love my job. I am 50/50 about it most days but I like knowing the world is a little safer by my sacrifice of spending a little time away from my family. The money is nice but really I get paid a pittance. I'd like to say that I'm a good counselor but only my clients could tell you that. I do feel though that helping a woman, child, volunteer, or fellow staff member is quite rewarding. I feel valued here which is something I never felt before in any other job.

7. I waitressed for 7 years. I think it is an experience everyone should have in their 20s as it gives a new perspective on life but I'm glad it is over as people can be REALLY rude.

8. I finished my bachelors degree at 31. This was not the plan but life took over. I have mixed feelings about my degree. I'm proud of my accomplishment and glad I did it but the debt I've incured makes me wonder if it was financially worth it.

9. On the flip side of 8 is that I love being in school and plan to go on hopefully receiving my Doctorate one day.

10. I've been both a Teacher's Assistant and a Research Assistant and really enjoyed both experiences.

11. I enjoy writing. I would like to be a writer one day. I have 56 pages of my first novel wriiten but it is choppy and far from done. I was published once in high school but that was lifetimes ago.

12. My top professors/lecturers/grad students are the ones who taught me something that will stay with me for the rest of my life. They are Caren Bloom (have passion for what you teach and people will listen), Charles Dumas (every time you write you are telling one person's story), Dora McQuaid (use your life experiences to propell you and you will find your voice), and Maggie Thomas (be clear, concise, and organized in your teaching - and have fun while doing it). I also had two English professors who could be added to that list but I don't remember their names: Eng 215 (show don't tell) & Eng 202 (reminded me how rewarding writing came be for me).

13. I miss doing theatre and hope to one day return to it. I do believe that I was called to Stage Management and am sad that I walked away when I did. I sometime wish I'd completed the theatre degree I started at age 18 but I know that I wouldn't be where I am now both professionally and personally (with 2 beautiful children and a wonderful husband).

14. My favorite part of theatre is seeing that a-ha moment when someone really gets where they need to be. Watching actors/artists/musicians work amazes me. This may be why I was drawn to psychology.

15. If I were to continue on in Psychology I would probably pursue a degree in Positive Psychology because I dislike how psychology seems to focus on the negatives in people's lives.

16. I have a green thumb. Plants seem to thrive under my care. The few that haven't made it were mostly through unconscious neglect. I knew better than to do ... but I didn't make the effort otherwise.

17. I enjoy music a lot but I'm not talented in it. I can-not play an instrument or sing. Anyone who has ever heard me try will probably agree. I tried to be a sound engineer for awhile for I couldn't hear what I needed to hear. Then I got pregnant and well it didn't make sense to continue on.

18. I inherited my (almost) step-father's 1976 corvette when he died 5+ years ago. It needs new brakes, some interior work, and has paint issues but I love to sit in it as it reminds me of my early childhood.

19. I am not close to either of my parents. It is a long story. On that same note, I have a half sister whom I only met once when she was five and I was 15. Once again a long story.

20. I never planned/wanted to be married or have children when I was growing up. Those who know this find it quite amusing that I've become so "domesticated".

21. I planned my wedding in two weeks partly due to #19 & #20. It went well considering. I did not have time to get emotionally attached to any part of it. I was suprised by my dark brown wedding cake-which was amazing. (I highly recommend Wegmans). My extended family is still in shock by the whole experience as they bring it up often with remarks such as "since you didn't have a shower" or "she even had flowers". No I was not with child at that time. We were engaged for over a year and never got around to planning it.

22. When I was in my early teens my grandfather told me that he wanted to give me away on my wedding day. I told him that he better live a long time as I didn't plan to get married any time soon (or at that point ever). He did.

23. I play my son's Webkinz world game a lot and actually am doing it while writing this list.

24. Names: Names are an issue with me. My Grandmother is Kristina. My Great-Aunt is Anna. My mother is Christine Anne. I am Christine Anna. It continues with Paul - as my Grandfather and Uncle are both Paul and my Aunt is Paulette. I find this quite odd so when I was pregnant with my son I swore I wouldn't follow the tradition. Ironically my husband's nephew and my son share the same name (Alexander). It is my son's middle and my nephew-in laws first so when I yell Aston Alexander they both stop. I did break the rule as my daughter's middle name is Zuzanne after my Great-Grandmother who is still alive. I figure she lived long enough to see her Great-Great-Granddaughter be born so it just seemed right. My Bubicka cries tears of joy often over this and blessed me in Slovak for doing this.

25. I do not speak Slovak which my extended family forgets often. I do not speak any other language well. This goes along with the music concept. Language/music/math all use the same part of the brain. Mine is apparently disfunctional.


  1. C-
    This cracks me up! I was planning to post my 25 things on my blog too, but hadn't gotten there yet.
    Will you forgive me if I do the same thing as you just did and post mine? :)
    Your 25 things was so great that it was definitely worth posting for another batch of readers!

  2. What a strange and intriguing world we live in. I was just doing a web search for a news article about an event I did some time ago, as I prepare for a massive overhaul and update of my website. The search led me to this blog post as it mentions my efforts as a teacher while at Penn State a number of years ago (#12). I'm not sure who writes this blog, but you were a student of mine apparently. I just want to thank you for including me in this list. I hold each of these other identified teachers on this list in such high regard, and am honored to be included with them, and to now know that my efforts in teaching at Penn State were not in vain. Quite the surprise to find this, and quite the blessing, as well. I hope you are happy and thriving. All peace to you. Dora McQuaid
