Friday, July 15, 2011

Refilling The Well

As the mother of two with a third on the way (yes I'm six months pregnant) I often find myself overwhelmed or trying to do too much. This week I'm currently at the beach with a beloved elderly aunt who has been ill a lot this past year. What amazes me about her is her inability to just let be. She is always working on fixing up or readjusting her world. Even while here at her beach house she's having the house powerwashed and driveway dug up (due to root damage), refinished, and resealed. I, on the other hand, have hit a point in my life where I'm happy just reading a good book and watching my kids play. As one who once always had to be filling every moment I'm glad to say I'm no longer that way. I miss my old overcompetant self but I don't miss the exhaustion and illness that came along with it. Ironically I can no longer keep up with my 70+ year old aunt but I'm not sure I want to. Maybe that's what refilling the well is all about. Learning to let go of the need to do and learning to just be content with yourself as you are.


  1. Love, Love, LOVE this!!!!!!!! I would love to hear how you got to this beautiful place. Beautiful indeed.

  2. Lots of time meditating on what I want my life to be about. I've learned that I want to embrace quiet over chaos, that most tasks can be left for tomorrow, and that my children are only little once. Plus an event at work over Memorial weekend put life into a new perspective.
